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Building Creativity for Toddlers

Give a three-year-old a box of LEGO® DUPLO® bricks and he will start to build houses and towers right away. It's almost like an instinct. In fact, stacking a tower and tipping it over is one of the favorite activities for children all over the world.

Play it Safe in the Water

Every summer, there are far too many tragedies in, on and under the water in New Zealand. Take every possible step to ensure you and your family has the safest possible fun near the water this holiday season.

Bedtime Stories Your Grandchildren

As a grandparent, I can't think of a better way to make my grandchildren feel relaxed and sleepy at the end of the day than to snuggle up with them and read them a bedtime story.

Blending Care and Advice for Grandparents

Being a grandparent is a joy and a privilege. But what happens when things get complicated? How do you continue to be a loving and committed grandparent if you child and their partner separate or face difficulties?

When a Simple Fall Becomes Deadly

With no previous history of falls or medical worries, Margaret didn't have a medical alarm to hand. She made a full recovery but the family couldn't help thinking if it could be avoided.

Tips for your Online Dating Profile

Online dating is a great way to make contact with a whole new group of people, without leaving your home. You can get to know them via email and phone calls and finally meet them in person once you are ready.