People often wonder if it is appropriate to have children at weddings and funerals. First up, I ...
Get New Zealand Writing
At a recent parent/teacher interview, my son’s teacher said that while he was doing extremely well ...
What Kids Want
Parenting can be a minefield. Are you children getting enough stimulation? Quality time? Social contact? There’s ...
We Are Plastic
I don’t mean we are mass produced and cheap. I mean plastic in the sense that ...
Modern Dads
Sixty percent of modern Dads reckon they are better at parenting than their fathers were and I think they are right. My dear old Dad was born in 1907 and he knew exactly what was expected of father. For example, he knew he was the undisputed head of the h
Angels With Aprons
Keen Kiwi bakers get baking for a good cause
Ramble On
Entertaining children without the aid of devices, toys and considerable expense can present a challenge. Without direction, many kids are happier to be entertained than to entertain themselves.
Tips for Top Scholars
Here are few little tips to keep your kids on track for a Rhodes Scholarship:
Satisfaction – Have You Got It?
Satisfaction. It can be elusive. We often desire 'more': love, money, career prospects, time.
Whiney Kids
"Would you please stop your child from doing that";