I've made a Christmas resolution. This year, I aim to give 'consumable' gifts, which have a purpose, rather than just 'stuff.'
The Rise and Rise of Family Ancestry Study
An interest in personal ancestry isn’t new but, historically speaking, there have always been some cultures that have valued it more than others. Within society in general, there have definitely been periods when the study of ancestry has blossomed, and even boomed.
8 Ways to Share Your Family Ancestry
Tracing your ancestry is not only fascinating, it’s also hard work, so once you’ve completed the task (not that tracing ancestry is ever quite completed!) why not enjoy sharing it with others. Here are 8 special ways to do just that
Tracing Ancestry – We Have Contact!
Welcome to the third in a series of articles on the study of family ancestry (also ...
Virtual Grand-Parenting
If you want to be the best grandparent you can be, it pays to wise-up on how to interact online with the kids. Here are a few ‘virtual tricks’ to have up your sleeve, and some no-no’s to be aware of.
Keeping your home safe for your grandchildren
Parents, Grandparents and caregivers want to provide a safe place for their children to live and play but too often child proofing these areas gets put off. This has caused thousands of household accidents that could have easily have been prevented. The good news is child proofing is not difficult and can easily be completed in one day.
Tracing Ancestry – where do you begin?
Welcome to the second in a series of articles on the study of family ancestry (also ...
Seven Ways to Build a Positive Relationship With Your Child’s Partner
When our child finds a special partner it can be more challenging to get along with that person than we anticipated. We may be unsure about the match or find this person distant or difficult to relate to.
Listening: A learned skill
Most daily interactions involve listening. Real communication is the key to successful relationships and listening is ...
Five Reasons to Check Out Your Ancestors
Welcome to the first in a series of articles on the study of family ancestry (also ...