Q: I've heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life. Is this true?A: Your heart is only ...
Articles covering all sorts of humour, entertainment, book reviews, sport and hobbies, fashion, beauty and technology needs.
Ray Columbus at the ROCKONZ Awards (January Part 2)
Rambling Man Part 2…January Congratulations go to RAY WOOLF on his MNZM in the New Years ...
Why is a Handmade Persian Rug so Valuable?
Whether you are referring to a silk Persian rug or cotton Persian rug, they may still ...
Ray Columbus – Grown Up Stars At Their Best
We have been blessed with some great senior stars recently.
Diabetes New Zealand
About diabetesDiabetes results from not producing enough insulin to keep blood glucose levels in the normal ...
Understanding Electric Motors
The world of electric motors is quite fascinating. For many making and collecting various types of ...
They walk among us
They certainly do...you won't, actually you might, believe these clangers!
This is True…Humour!
Go on...have a read, we have hundreds of articles and jokes that will make you laugh.
When Do Strangers Stop Being Strange?
My grandmother always told me that I could turn strangers into friends. Well, my grandmother would be proud of me. I turned a stranger into a husband.
Masks Representing Heritage And Culture
Art, heritage, creativity, and cultural symbols play a vital role in our lives, as we all ...