Imagine the excitement in Auckland 126 years ago as Woodyear's Electric Circus unloaded piles of crates onto the wharf downtown and got ready to stage its latest spectacular.
Articles covering all sorts of humour, entertainment, book reviews, sport and hobbies, fashion, beauty and technology needs.
Google Plus – the Future…?
Recently, I've been bombarded by invitations to join the Google Plus social network. What are your thoughts?
Drums OK
An anthropologist decides to investigate the natives of a far-flung tropical island.
Chemistry Set
A father came home and asked where his son was. His wife replied that he was downstairs playing with his new chemistry set.
Gossip Monger
"Hey, Mum," asked Johnny "Can you give me twenty dollars?"
Human Resource Lingo
What it really means...
The Proctologist
A proctologist walked into a bank.
At Any Drugstore
Two old ladies were outside their nursing home, having a smoke, when it started to rain.
Then You’ll Love It Here
A man dies and due to his evil and sinful life, goes to hell.
An elderly woman decided to have her portrait painted.