My book, Resilient Aging, has just been published and I wanted to let you know about it. I've attached a flyer that includes a cover picture and a brief description of the book.
Articles covering all sorts of humour, entertainment, book reviews, sport and hobbies, fashion, beauty and technology needs.
Those Pesky Flies
It's the time of year for flies and other pesky critters in our homes. But we harbour them in our hearts and minds as well. Here's one to beware of, The Fear Fly.
The Charm of Star Power
I'm writing a new novel set around 1880 and the more I read letters from that era that end in flourishing signatures, preceded by phrases like "yours very truly", the harder it is to wrench myself back into today.
TEN! Another Decade Flies In
It seems like such a short time ago that we were all hyped up over the end of the 90s. The new millennium was coming! A brave new age!
Silver Bullets Flying All Over
Have we ever heard so much about silver bullets as in recent times? Not that anyone is being over-optimistic about the power of the famed SB... far from it.
Gagging for Caffeine
I had a grim week this summer. I stopped drinking coffee.
The New Evolutionaries
With great hair, perfect makeup and huge CVs, they're the world's new powerful females. But forget tired old feminist notions. This lot still want to change things, but differently - via conscious evolution.
The Answer – a great book for Xmas…or anytime.
Feeling stressed or stuck? Here's a solution from author/editor Lindsey Dawson
What is a Trillion Anyway?
Lindsey contemplates what exactly a trillion is.
Recession’s Alphabet Soup
Once it was acronyms that drove us nuts. Well, they still do. I'm forever stumbling over clumps of letters that mean nothing to me. Now we're also being faced with the challenge of understanding itty-bitty letters.