The beguiling ideas about science quoted here were gleaned from essays, exams, and classroom discussions. Most ...
Articles covering all sorts of humour, entertainment, book reviews, sport and hobbies, fashion, beauty and technology needs.
Quote of the day 31st May 17
“Your day will go the way the corners of your mouth turn.” -Unknown
Fun facts 31st May 17
Space Fact…. It takes 8 minutes and 19 seconds for light to travel from the sun ...
Joke: Help wanted
I saw a sign at a gas station. It said “Help Wanted.” There was another sign ...
Video: The deep south time-lapse
A time-lapse series through the always changing landscapes of our beautiful country. Shot over 4 months, travelling ...
Tips on preparing documents for proofreading and copyediting
If anyone is thinking about writing their memoirs, write a book or a university essay in ...
What would you remember?
The video below on youtube made me think. Degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, robs people of their memories. ...
Video: Smooth landing
Some amazing skills are shown from the pilot here. Road not wide enough to land on? ...
Little miracle – A short story
Gemma and Geoffrey Grimble had been married for seven years. They had known each other all ...
Video: Comedian Russell Howard
Comedian Russell Howard tells a hysterically funny, yet touching story about his friendship with Deryn, a ...