“I promise if you keep searching for everything beautiful in this world you will eventually become ...
Articles covering all sorts of humour, entertainment, book reviews, sport and hobbies, fashion, beauty and technology needs.
Is junk light affecting your body and your brain?
Just over 30 years ago a Harvard researcher proved that light controls the body’s internal clock. ...
Time-lapse of NZ V2
Time-lapse series through the always changing landscapes of New Zealand. Shot over 4 month, driving through ...
Joke: Two crows
“Two crows kill a man. I guess you could say it was a murder, done by ...
Video: Elephants run to greet a reduced baby elephant
Watch a whole herd run to greetings a new rescued baby elephant ‘Dok Geaw’a young orphaned elephant ...
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Video: These machines make the most precise cakes
Bakon USA creates machines for industrial bakeries and it’s oddly satisfying to watch them ice cakes.
Paul Ego, what is cardiac arrest anyway?
Comedian Paul Ego is back again to talk about what exactly Cardiac Arrest is and how ...
Video: Worlds largest parkour course
Parkour is a training discipline using movement that developed from military obstacle course training. Practitioners aim ...
Video: DIY travel soap
Don’t you hate stopping at public restrooms and realising there isn’t any soap? Now you’ll never ...