Deciding to take up jogging, the middle-aged man was astounded by the wide selection of jogging ...
Articles covering all sorts of humour, entertainment, book reviews, sport and hobbies, fashion, beauty and technology needs.
Video: Used car commercial
A US man made a tv commercial to help sell his girlfriends car. Check it out.
Delightful donkeys – are they the animal companion for you?
Big fluffy ears and gangly legs, soft snub noses and wide brown eyes; baby donkeys must ...
Video: The best region to travel to in 2017
Choquequirao, hidden across the deep Apurimac Valley, was the last Inca refuge from the conquistadors, and ...
New technologies & products – breaking the mass market barrier
There is a well-known introduction curve for new technologies and products. Basically, customers or users of ...
Video: Fawlty Towers – A room with a view
Basil encounters the ferocious Mrs Richards, who is not entirely happy with her room in the ...
Video: Weightless
Fun fact: Why does metal feel colder than wood at the same temperature?
Metal FEELS colder than wood if they’re both at room temperature because metal conducts heat much better ...
4 apps that can help you lose weight
There comes a point in most people’s lives when the paunch starts spreading. Whether you’ve been ...