We are very pleased to be giving away three copies of Mark Smith's book, 'Three Boys Gone', to our GrownUps members.
Articles covering all sorts of humour, entertainment, book reviews, sport and hobbies, fashion, beauty and technology needs.
Joke of the Day
Did you hear about the ferry that barged through a yacht race?
Mend and Make Do
What goes around, comes around, and the move to sustainability, means mending has made a comeback!
Joke of the Day
What's black, white, black, white, black, white and finally blue?
Redefining the New You in Post Retirement
When people retire, they often continue to define themselves by what their work was in the past. Yet it doesn’t really describe who they now are.
Joke of the Day
How do you get an 80 year old woman to swear out loud?
Joke of the Day
The inventor of intermittent windshield wipers died recently.
Joke of the Day
A new recruit joins a pirate ship.
Joke of the Day
I asked the librarian where the books about paranoia are.
Joke of the Day
An old woman had two chickens.