Three men were walking aimlessly in the desert. They came upon a castle. Dying of thirst, they decided to go into the castle.
The Church Organist
Miss Beatrice, the church organist, was in her eighties and had never been married. She was admired for her sweetness and kindness to all.
Remote Control
"Cash, check or charge?" the cashier asked...
A Matter of Price
A man walks up to a woman and asks...
Story of a Woman Who Just Turned 47
When I was 16, I hoped that one day I would have a boyfriend.
City Council Job
A bloke goes to the local council to apply for a job in the office.
Test Results
A man is lying in bed in the hospital with an oxygen mask over his mouth. A young nurse appears to sponge his hands and feet.
Mint In Box
A guy out on the golf course takes a high speed ball right in the crotch.
Get It Out
One day a young man and woman were in their bedroom making love. All of a sudden a bumble bee entered the bedroom window.
The Bravest Soldier
Three generals, one from the Army, another from the Marines, and a third from the Air Force, were having a debate with a Navy Admiral about whose soldiers were the bravest.