It may be just another Saturday, but when you flick through the music history books August ...
Video: How PayPal because the internets payment system
PayPal is an American company operating a worldwide online payment system that supports online money transfers ...
Video: Microchipping employees
This company held a “chip party” to implant their employees with microchips. What do you think ...
Fun facts 2nd August 2017
Why do you cry when you cut onions? When you cut an onion, it releases a ...
Quote of the day 2nd August 17
“When you’re not sure, flip a coin because while the coin is in the air, you ...
Video: People are awesome
Featuring incredible feats of strength and fitness including weight lifting, callisthenics, bodyweight fitness, handstands, squats, push ...
The world’s best delivery service? Lunch in Mumbai
With a population of over 18 million people, Mumbai is one of the world’s largest megalopolises. ...
Video: Get in my arms
When you haven’t seen your best friend or grandchildren in what feels like forever…. It’s usually just ...
Video: When you meet someone new…
Ha! Can you relate to this bird? When you meet someone new and find out they’re ...
Jokes: Short and sweet
Dog Ownership We’ve begun to long for the pitter-patter of little feet, so we bought a ...