VIDEO: What happened to all the Bob Ross paintings?
If you’ve never tried to buy a Bob Ross painting, you might be surprised to learn ...
VIDEO: The importance of sleep – why Roger Federer sleeps 12 hours a day
Sleep enhances your athletic performance on the day – but it also helps you to recover ...
VIDEO: Cool timelapse of a thirsty plant perking up after some water
So satisfying to watch.
VIDEO: Can you swim in shade balls? (Warning: it’s dangerous)
In the name of science, Veritasium attempted to swim in water-filled ‘shade balls’.
Why Do We Itch?
Even reading this might make you itch, but here is the scientific explanation for why we ...
VIDEO: Buddhist Monk shares his secrets of meditation
Good news: you don’t need to sit still and think of nothing – just being aware ...
VIDEO: Baby deer rescued and released
After being abandoned by her mum, this injured fawn was nursed back to health by her ...
VIDEO: Dogs stay stunningly still
Could you train your dogs to stay this still?
Video – How to Dad
From the popular NZ YouTube sensation, how to wash a car with a baby.