Downsizing and moving home brings with it a multitude of rewards, but there are also challenges, and one of those is the forging of new friendships.
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Smart Phone Addiction – curb the colour and cut the craving!
Signs of phone addiction are many – but you can check out your unwanted behaviour for yourself with a few simple questions.
How to Succeed Socially Part 1: Conversation
Wishing you could feel more relaxed in the company of others, and want to be better at making conversation? Read on!
Live a Good Life in a Bad Economy
We're living in hard economic times. You may have little or no control over shrinking income or the declining value of your investment portfolio. You do, however, have control over how you deal with these realities.
How To Handle Rejection
Rejection is hard, and it comes in many guises and from many directions. It is something to be tackled head on before it leaves you feeling depressed, anxious and isolated.
7 Family Friendly Must-Dos in Ruapehu
Surrounded by two national parks, iconic mountain peaks, and majestic rivers, Ruapehu is a region ...
Instant Actions | Show Some Compassion – for yourself!
We all know we should be compassionate towards others, but how many of us ever think of showing that same love, kindness and sympathy towards ourselves?
Insights into Mental Illness
Many people in New Zealand and across the globe are impacted by mental disorders, both directly and indirectly. But how do you support someone suffering in your life?
Dementia – what to do if you suspect a friend may have it
Plenty is written about dementia – what this cruel disease is, and how it plays out. Far less is written about what to do when you suspect a friend may have it
Travel’s on the Rise, Have You Considered Travel Insurance?
Border restrictions have finally begun to ease and Kiwis are excited to get back to international traveling, but what about insurance?