Diabetes is emerging fast as the biggest health catastrophe the world has ever seen. Find out more here.
Conditions related to 50+ health wellbeing.
Link Between Gum Disease and Cancer
Scientists have now discovered that gum disease, once thought of as a fairly benign condition, also can increase your risk of certain types of cancer.
Take Care of Your Feet – Don’t Take Them for Granted!
Feet are sometimes overlooked when considering health care, even though they are so important to us in our everyday lives. It is often not until we lose our mobility that we realise we have also lost our independence.
Strengthening Bones
It is normal for the bones to erode as we age. But for some people, the ...
What is Dry Eye Syndrome?
Do your eyes ever suffer from a gritty, sandy sensation? If so, you may be suffering ...
Rheumatoid Arthritis
There are more than 100 different kinds of arthritis. Most of them involve inflammation. Read here about a number of different types of inflammatory arthritis.
Treatments for Diverticulitis
Description Some people develop multiple small pouches in the lining of their intestines (usually in the ...
The Rotator Muscle
The rotator muscle is the most common cause of shoulder pain. This is a group of ...