Did you know that approximately 50% of the adult population of New Zealand do not have a Will?
Articles covering Travel Insurance, Life Insurance, Funeral Insurance, Savings, Investment, Superannuation, Life after work. Wills, asset protection and Trusts.
Have You Got Your Affairs In Order?
Public Trust can help you update your Will
Power To The People
It is getting to the time of year where power companies start adjusting their prices before people start using more. Usually upward.
How To Get A Good Job After 50
Being interviewed for a job by someone half your age can be confronting; as can starting over in the job market. However, job search expert Rupert French has written a great book for anyone over the age of 50 who is debating a change of career, either as
Vehicle Insurance Claim Tips
Here are our tips on how to ensure your vehicles are adequately covered and what to do in the event of an accident or theft to make your claim as trouble-free as possible.
First Home Help
Buying your first home, be it a do-up, apartment, investment or dream home, is a really big deal.
Credit Card: Friend or Foe?
It's possible to have a very love/hate relationship with a credit card. In December, we love them; by January, they make seem rather more problematic!
[Video] What is Money?
What is Money
Is Temporary Work The Answer?
Is Temporary Work The Answer?
Save Money on Life Insurance
How to save money on life insurance