A man walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender charges him 15 cents. Confused but not complaining, the man pays.
After a while, he decides to have another beer and some food, so he orders another beer and a steak. The bartender charges him 50 cents, 15 for the beer and 35 for the food.
After finishing his food and drink, he calls the bartender over and says, "Mate, that was the best steak I've ever had. I want to talk to the manager and thank him."
"No problem," says the bartender. "He's upstairs with my wife."
"What's he doing upstairs with your wife?" asks the man.
"Probably the same thing I'm doing to his business down here!"
barr012 - 14 years ago
Two newlyweds go on their honeymoon. As they start getting hot and heavy, the woman says, “Please be careful with me –I’m a virgin.”
The puzzled man replies,”But you’ve been married three times before.”
“I know,” she says. “But my first husband was a psychiatrist and all he wanted to do was talk about it.My second husband was a gynecologist and he just wanted to look at it. And my third husband was a stamp collector and all he wanted to do was….. God,I miss him.”