Floribunda roses are some of the most amazing out there because of the large, dense amounts of buds that are produced. These roses will have simultaneously occurring blooms in each truss. They are less perfect looking roses but are so dense in their production that they can truly make a statement in virtually any landscape especially when planted together.
Here are some facts to know about the Floribunda roses.
What's The Difference
Few of these roses are scented and their shape is not always of the perfect rose. But, they make up for this quality when you take into consideration the all summer long blooming of rich colors and beautifully dense foliage that they provide.
Easy To Grow
Although the Floribunda rose is a rose, which tend to be difficult plants to grow, they are less of a problem to many. They are more tolerant to conditions and the environment and also continue to produce blooms over and over again. They are easier to grow only because they can take more punishment, so to speak.
Where Can I Plant Them
Floribunda roses can be planted in any open but not vulnerable location. They enjoy the sun and varieties are available for different amounts of sunlight as well. They can and should be planted as bare roots in winter. This is much less expensive as well.
Trim Those Roots! Before you plant them, make sure to prune back the roots to allow for new root growth to take place. This can make a large difference in the quality of these roses.
What To Feed Them
When they begin to grow in the spring, you'll want to feed them with a rose fertilizer that can be commonly found. Do this monthly until the end of summer months.
Which Ones Do I Go With
There are several varieties of the Floribunda rose. You can choose those that you enjoy and that will prosper in your environment. Some good choices include Rob Roy which is very deep red in color, Glenfiddisch which is a golden amber color with large flowers, and the Ballindallock Castle which is a salmon/coral color of blooms.
Courtesy of Mike Singh
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