Before a volcano erupts it rumbles.
Your kids often do the same thing. Before a fight breaks out between siblings you can notice the seismic activity building – the niggling, the whining, the impatient tone of voice. Before a tantrum starts you might notice similar signs of pressure building up. It is so much better to step in before the trouble blows up. Distraction often works well – a few moments engaging children in a new activity. “Max – come and help me over here.” Or, “Can you find the baked beans in these shelves over here?”
It’s not a dumb idea to have distraction box: just odds and ends from a two-dollar shop or some toys that haven’t been played with for a while, and put them in an out-of-the way spot in your home. When you notice the rumbling starting you could say, “I think there’s a box of treasures over there – you go and grab it.”
Taking a break can also prevent the eruption – a few quiet minutes alone to cool off. “Hey guys, everyone on your own bed doing some quiet reading. Come back when you hear the timer on the stove go off.”
Of course, if the eruption does go off, you can handle it, but isn’t it nice when you don’t have to.
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