New Zealand TV channels don't do overseas news until about 25 minutes into the news hour because they're so stuck on the idea that viewers like local news best. The only time that changes is when the world is falling apart.
Tag: Lindsey Dawson
The Clack of the Keys
The newspaper paragraph that slayed me lately was the one in which writer and satirist P J O'Rourke admitted to not being able to "work a computer".
Out of the Mouths
Courtesy of Lindsey Dawson. I guess the time may come for all of us to get ...
The Charm of Star Power
I'm writing a new novel set around 1880 and the more I read letters from that era that end in flourishing signatures, preceded by phrases like "yours very truly", the harder it is to wrench myself back into today.
Rain of Terror
Courtesy of Lindsey Dawson. Oh, such care people are taking not to offend. So fragile have ...
What is a Trillion Anyway?
Lindsey contemplates what exactly a trillion is.
Seeing Red, and Eating It Too
The words 'red' and 'cake' don't really go together in my mind, so I was intrigued to see a story about some big dinner attended by political star Sarah Palin where the menu largely consisted of 'thick slices of roast pork and red velvet cake'.
Superman The Dreamer?
In a TIME magazine list of the top 10 graphic novels for last year, I found this picture of the number three book on the list, by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. It's Superman, but not as we know him.
Night Horrors
Are we witnessing the decline and fall of our civilization? Sometimes, when I look at TV, I think so.
TEN! Another Decade Flies In
It seems like such a short time ago that we were all hyped up over the end of the 90s. The new millennium was coming! A brave new age!