The Health Benefits of Owning a Pet

The health benefits of owning a pet

When choosing your pet, did you pick them to fulfil a need, or did you consider the added health benefits of owning a pet?

A great number of people want to have pets simply for companionship or so they can have something cute and cuddly to love. Of course, some of us have working pets for assistance which have been trained to provide, be it a farm dog, guide dog or horse.

Others want to have more exotic pets … some for the purpose of showing it off, and others simply because they have a deep love for nature. Whatever your reason for owning a pet, would you believe it actually increases your chances of being healthy, lowers your chances of serious disease, and even increases your lifespan?

Whilst not local research, the Center for Disease Control, in the US has conducted a great number of surveys, scientific experiments, and other complicated studies, in order to help the public remain healthy. Their research has proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that pet ownership has many health benefits.


Now more than ever, depression is becoming more and more common among the population. Treatments for depression often include costly sessions with a councillor or medication with unpleasant side effects. For some people, the side effects are actually worse than the depression that led them to resort to medication in the first case! According to the CDC, pet ownership can, in fact, decrease incidents and severity of depression. All packaged up in a loveable, cuddly and fluffy package!

Heart Disease

Heart disease is a major concern for many people. While the causes of heart attacks and other heart-related issues are numerous, pet ownership can decrease causes of heart disease. Pet ownership greatly decreases the likelihood of a heart attack, or other fatal heart diseases. Something so simple as a cuddly kitten could very well save your life!


Further studies by the CDC show pet ownership decreases the levels of LDL, or low-density lipoprotein … also known as bad cholesterol. Pet ownership has been directly correlated to a reduction in triglycerides. Triglycerides can be less scientifically defined as the bad and unhealthy fats in food and in your body. A reduction in the levels of triglycerides results in a greatly reduced risk of many heart-related issues. Pet ownership can be directly related to a reduction in many heart-related health issues but it gets better!


Would you believe pet ownership is said to improve your possibilities of having an active and rewarding social life? Yup! According to the CDC, pet ownership will actually increase your opportunities to get out and exercise and be a great conversation starter among members of the public. What a great way to start a friendship and reduce the feeling of loneliness. Not to mention increasing your steps for the day!

Who knew it was so easy? Would you like a rewarding life replete with great exercise, health benefits and an equally rewarding social life? Believe it or not, pet ownership not only makes it possible, but probable.

By CS Swarens.

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