Would you like to financially support your chosen charity but are short of ready cash? Here is a way you can fundraise while sitting at your computer and it will not cost you a cent.
Online surveys
There are several New Zealand online survey companies which reward participants with points towards third party vouchers and/or regular prize draws. Buzz the People is one which offers you the chance to fundraise too, and it won’t cost you a cent.
How it works
Register with Buzz the People, and select the charity you wish to support from the drop-down list provided. Periodically you will be emailed links to anonymous online surveys. Generally these will take 10 minutes to complete, which will earn your nominated charity $1. Longer or more complex surveys will earn more.
You are not obligated to do the surveys, so you can delete the emails. You can also unsubscribe at any time. However you will only fundraise when you complete a survey. Remember it won’t cost you a cent, just a bit of your time. You will also have the chance to win prizes for yourself.
Is my charity listed with Buzz the People?
To find out if your favourite charity is involved, go to here. Once you’ve put in your name and email address, you can click on the Reward option ‘Fundraise for charity or group’. Select the ‘Fundraise for a registered charity’ and scroll through the alphabetical list below to find the name of your charity.
If your charity is not listed, give them a call. They may not know about this opportunity, and there may be others like you who want to fundraise but who are short of ready cash. The amounts may not be large, but every bit helps and the amounts add up.
Most fundraising schemes need some outlay, but this is one way you can fundraise without it costing you a cent. And you will be rewarded through prize draws too. The charity will earn income it otherwise would not have received. The companies using the survey service will benefit from your feedback about their products or services. It is a win-win-win for all!
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