Homemade cream cheese and whey

Making cream cheese is not only incredibly easy, you probably already have everything you need.


  • 2 cups natural full fat yoghurt
  • 1 large deep bowl (as deep as possible)
  • 1 strainer
  • 1 thin, clean dishtowel or unbleached cheesecloth
  • 1 wooden spoon


Line your strainer with a cheesecloth or thin, clean dish towel and set onto of the bowl. Pour yoghurt into the cloth, cover and allow to sit out at room temperature for several hours. The liquid whey will begin to drip into the bowl, while the milk solids will stay collected in the cloth.

When the dripping slows, gather up the cloth with the milk solids inside. Tie the cloth to a wooden spoon and place it over bowl again so that the cloth containing the milk solids is suspended inside. Allow this to hang for several hours (I generally leave mine overnight) or until the dripping completely stops. You may have to get creative at this point as the cloth of curds needs to rest above the whey. My mother tyes the cloth to the kitchen tap with the bowl underneath.

The liquid whey will keep in a sterilized glass jar for up to 6 months in the fridge.

The curds are a delicious cream cheese full of healthy fats.