Staying Home and Loving it!

Staying Home and Loving it

It’s that time of year again! Yes, Kiwis of a certain age are heading in droves to warmer climes to break up the winter. But if this isn’t your year for going abroad, or you simply like to keep your feet on terra firma, wintering-over in your own home can offer loads of exciting and satisfying opportunities. So, come with us on a tour of what you can look forward to without ever having to pack your bag!

Winter preservers

Preserving over a hot stove in autumn is so full-on it can be downright stressful. But preserving in winter, when you have all the time in the world, and the stove is heating the house at the same time, is a pleasure. What’s more, the produce to pick from is doubly interesting! Check out recipes for feijoa kasundi, kiwifruit confiture, ginger marmalade, and persimmon chutney.

Love a project

Winter is a long time to be looking at a chair you’d really rather not have in the house – so why not give it a makeover! Whether you want to reupholster an existing chair, or head out to garage sales to find a new project, the internet abounds with simple instructions on how to do it. Why not start with a dining chair (easie peesy) and work your way up!

Lighten up

Love a quick weekend knitting project? So will your lighting! Head to your fave yarn supplier (or nearest op-shop) for the materials you’ll need, then make a date with this stylish, free knitted shade pattern (note: always check with an electrical expert that your DIY shade is safe to use before you install it).

Rug up!

Rugs don’t just look great, they also help to insulate floors and keep rooms cosy. Best of all, you can make your own while simultaneously decluttering your linen cupboard! Head to this ‘how to‘ for chatty instructions on how to make this gorgeous French-Provençal-look rug from old sheets. If you don’t need the finished work yourself, your flatting granddaughter will be sure to take it off your hands!

Virtual vacation

What better time of year to head to the UK (virtually, that is!) to check out some of the most beautiful gardens to be found. The National Garden Scheme can take you there in just a couple of clicks, and inspire you to create your own dream garden when the weather warms up.

B & B – at home

House guests are the last people to complain, which is why you’ll never know how comfortable your spare beds are unless you try them out for yourself. So, fix a delicious breakfast, dust off the bed covers, and test drive your own guest accommodation, one bed a night. Reward yourself for your efforts with a special breakfast next morning (or head out to a cafe instead!).Warning – some folk who have done this have been embarrassed to find out just how uncomfortable their house guests have been!

Put on the white coat

Life gets busy, which is why we almost never take time out to research the subjects we most want (and need) to know about. Whether it means jumping on the net, heading to the library, or phoning a professional or two, give yourself time, this winter, to bone up on the likes of electric vehicles, your smart phone’s functions, how to care for your potted orchid, your best public transport options for a car-free NZ tour, or the best energy plan for your home!

‘Wintering over’ can be rewarding – so make the most of it before spring sees you too busy to turn round!