By Denise Corlett.
Find more articles by Denise here.
Reaching 50, 60, 70 or more needn’t be the end of dating, attracting or finding someone special for yourself. In fact it is a fabulous time to be enjoying the fun of meeting new and interesting people simply because of where you are at in your life. Many of you may be at the end of the monetary drain of dependant children and mortgages. Many of you are enjoying work still or retirement, social activities and the extra time available to focus on what you want to do and enjoy. And many of you still want to enjoy the company of someone special.
Much has changed in the dating world particularly over the last 10 years with the advent of internet dating, social networking sites and communities such as where you can interact with each other online before you meet up offline. Not only have the methods of meeting changed but the speed of dating and the dating process as well. It can be a little overwhelming if you want to negotiate the world of dating again.
Dating Advice was set up in January 2008 to assist non partnered men and women in the dating process, attraction and how to find someone special. Not only is an information and resource website, but there are a range of personalised services available nationwide. More information here
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