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Keep networking – not just for work!


One thing us humans need to do is have social interaction. It’s essential for building your career, it’s essential for building your life and for 90% of us it is essential to be happy and healthy.

Being part of a community is in our DNA. Continuing to develop your personal community is essential for learning and broadening our understanding of the world. There is nothing like great discussion with friends and connections. This is all very healthy and an essential part of life.

However, many people struggle with building up their personal network; after all, when you are taking care of all of your other responsibilities how can you also have time to socialise?

So, yes, we have to take time to build our network or community. I am not talking about turning up to meetings but, consciously making time each week to develop your personal network. Joining local networking groups is a great way to start, however, it is just that, a start. Developing YOUR network is what I am talking about here, when you meet people through network groups, industry functions, training etc actively look for people who you could work with and socialise with.

The best way to start is to think about how you can help others in your network, what can you offer them? Once you get started you will find over time your network will naturally attract a range of people from a variety of backgrounds. Be open to this and you will set yourself up for a happier and more social life.

How do you look after the networks you create?

  • Coffee meetings (you do not necessarily have to meet with everyone at the same time)
  • Build your own network groups online with people you have a connection with and reconnect if they are overseas or even just a few suburbs away.
  • Look out for clubs and networks you can join and invite people into your own circle.
  • Become a social connector and embrace social networks like Facebook and Instagram.
  • Re-join or join sports clubs and find people to connect with.

If you are new to networking join a group, work with others who you identify as great networkers, or ask your colleagues and contacts if they know of a great group.

I am a fan of starting your own network, nurturing it by looking at what you can offer those you meet with and working on this activity every week.

I hope this article inspires you to either start networking build your own community or refresh your approach to this skill. I have no doubt it is the single most successful way to build your business, develop a career and live a healthy social life.

Hope you found this helpful.

Tony Cutting
Personal Coach
M. 021 911 722