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Helping you refine your retirement plans

There is frequently a real misunderstanding about what retirement is and what it is not.  Many financial advisers give retirement advice based only on financial considerations, for example:

“You can retire now because you have accumulated enough capital to provide the income you need hopefully for the rest of your life”.

A more practical and useful way is to take a different approach and to look at retirement holistically.  This means looking at your life today and the life you want to lead during your retirement years.  Some of the factors you may like to consider are:-

  • How to improve the probability that you will age healthily.
  • Recognising the importance of having quality relationships and to implementing a plan strengthen your connections with family and friends.
  • Ensuring you enter your retirement years with the right mind-set.
  • Defining what a quality lifestyle means to you, and start living it.
  • Developing a successful retirement transition plan.

“So You Think You Are Ready To Retire” – the New Zealand edition has been written to help you define what your retirement could look like.  Each chapter is followed by a number of practical exercises designed to help you refine your retirement plans.

The book was co-authored by Barry LaValley – a world leading authority on the non-financial retirement issues and Cambridge Partners who are based in Christchurch.  The book is specifically aimed at a New Zealand audience.

When in New Zealand recently, Barry was extremely popular with local and national media.  Here he talks to an audience at the recent launch of Cambridge Partners.

Please click here to view Barry’s address.

Barry shares some of the questions he was asked by New Zealand media and his responses.

Cambridge Partners and Barry LaValley’s new book “So You Think You Are Ready To Retire” – the New Zealand edition has been written to help you define what your retirement could look like and is available to purchase exclusively through Grown Ups.

Want to learn more? Click here for more information on the book and how it can help you.