Reef tanks are usually kept at a temperature between 25 and 27 °C. Reef tanks are ...
Care For Your New Dog
If you're a first-time dog owner, all the requirements of their care can seem overwhelming. Just like first-time parents, you need to learn all the basics that go into bringing a new animal into your home.
Top Tips for Puppy Proofing your Home
Pet-Proof Now...Avoid Problems later
Training Your Dog
It's important to teach your dog early on about the things that he's allowed and not allowed to do.
Easy Tips For Travelling With Dogs
Nowadays far more men and women than ever are travelling with their dogs. There are many ...
Dogs Really Are Our Best Friends
Why are there so many dog lovers out there? Dogs share our lives in a way that most other animals can't, and they're so commonplace that it's easy to take their faithful companionship for granted.
5 Natural Ways To Treat Canine Anaemia
Anaemia can be caused by excessive loss of red blood cells or by inadequate production. Nutritional ...
How to Get Wood to Sink In an Aquarium
Natural wood in an aquarium looks beautiful and can make an aquascape look more natural. There ...
Connecting the Face to the Cat
Is there any relation between make-up and a cats pretty face?
Important Considerations When Building a Dog House
Five great tips for building a dog house.