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Articles all about our country, your favourites like food, wine, family, your home, gardening, retirement living and yes, something about pets also.

2am the New Midnight

A common problem the average parent (or even grandparent involved in teens lives) is likely to come across is the timely issue of youth growing up too quickly.

Dripping Taps

Have you ever experienced anything more irritating than a dripping tap! The constant sound of water dripping on a hard surface is arguably the sound that next to your loved one snoring is the most likely to drive you mad.

Keeping Youth Safe Online

Many people out there are scared of the internet. They're scared of its power, but hey, if Superman hid his powers from the world, he wouldn't be able to help anyone at all!

Annoying Youth Habits in Your Workforce

Day in and day out, more and more youth are coming into the workforce. And no wonder - half the world's population is under 25 years old, and the new generation's work habits are following them into the workforce.


While the rest of New Zealand has been focused on government budgets and red ink, of late the staff at the Institute of Oily Rag Studies have turned to more humble matters: the pumpkin.