I’m enamoured of my new baby, Roger. Roger is a Bichon Frise and he’s the new ...
Articles all about our country, your favourites like food, wine, family, your home, gardening, retirement living and yes, something about pets also.
DIY essential oils in 4 easy steps
Sure, it may be easier to simply stock up on essential oils at your local health ...
Saying goodbye to a furry family member
Our pets are our companions. We lavish them with love and attention and they in turn provide love and companionship. They become part of the family, have their own personalities, and their death can leave a gaping whole.
Dark Guinness bread with smoked fish & dressed watercress
This recipe for dark, slightly sweet bread is delicious and accompanies smoked fish and watercress beautifully. ...
Savouring – Making a good thing last
"The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us." Ashley Montagu
The Paleo way – What the converts say
The principle is simple - cut out processed foods, sugar, diary and grains all together. Essentially eat like our ancestors would have.
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark is irrational and silly, but I have too many silly irrational fears of my own to go mocking anyone else's phobias.
How to beat loneliness on your own terms
From the occasional pang of isolation to a persistent feeling that you’re completely alone in the ...
Two ways with beetroot
I am shocked! Shocked and dismayed…that one of my favourite food writers should write "It is not an inspiring vegetable, unless you have a medieval passion for highly coloured food."
Video: The first 20 hours – how to learn anything
Josh Kaufman is the author of the #1 international bestseller, ‘The Personal MBA: Master the Art ...