Sticks and stones may break your bones but words can never hurt you. What rubbish. The ...
Our People, Our Country
Centenarian helps polytech students by getting a perm
Recently turned 101, Valda Colwill routinely drives from her Hastings home to have her hair permed ...
A life well lived
David Kentish was born in June 1927 and grew up in South Australia where he excelled ...
Looking forward to 2017
Opinion: This is the first of my articles for 2017 and it is always interesting to ...
How Kiwis feel about ageing in the workplace
Only 30% of New Zealanders believe that older people are valued by society, according to a ...
Quite impressed to wake up
William Pike has quite a story, and is brilliantly understated in his re-telling of it.
Video – Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Never has so much love been put into a cheese toastie recipe and boy has it ...
Beautiful broccoli
Beautiful Broccoli
Living simply in a tiny off grid cabin
Tom, Sarah, and their daughter Neesa all live in a tiny 20sqm off grid cabin on ...
Oily Rag Life Hacks
Judging by the number of letters from the Oily Rag Community, living the simple life, and reducing ...