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Home & Home Improvement

Land Price Pressure

While current homeowners might be happy with their high house values, unaffordability is not good news for first-home buyers, nor for those selling their home.

Spring Clean Up Time

As winter moves into spring its time for the home owner to do a check around his or her property for any damage caused by the depredation of winter.

Floor Sanding

In response to a question from a fellow GrownUp, in this feature I am going to explore the idea of sanding wooden floors.

Is Your Back Door The Weakest Link?

It never ceases to surprise me how many people, even in this day and age and with all the publicity around opportunist crime, still leave an open invitation to opportunist thieves.

Laying Tiles

A job that the average home handy person would only tackle rarely is laying ceramic floor tiles. This job is not for the faint hearted!

Sticky Doors

Timber doors and door frames react to the humidity in the air as well as the changing seasons. Doors that open easily in the summer just can't be budged on a wet winter's day.


As a DIY person there are many things that you can do to deter all but the most persistent and professional burglar.

Tiles in the Bathroom

One of the most common problems that everyone can suffer from is mould in the bathroom. Here are some handy tips for looking after your bathroom tiles.

Window Film

During the past few months I have been doing a lot of renovation work around the old home.During the past few months I have been doing a lot of renovation work around the old home. During the painting phase I noticed that a few of the windows had become s