Have you ever sparked conflict with a young person? They're quite easy to start. But what many people don't realize, is the small things you can do to help build a better relationship with a young person.
Keeping Safe on the Roads
Over the past few weeks with the Rugby World Cup, I must say it's been quite a record for how many times I've been breath tested!
Teen Suicide
It's a sad thought that our dear country has this kind of history that keeps repeating itself, but there are definitely some sound ways parents and relatives can make the growing up years a little easier.
Meet James Who Lives with Leukaemia
Help Cure Kids in November - Walk on the Wild Side
Entrepreneur School
Recently on my travel adventures, I came across a very low-decile community. I got the opportunity to tour around the high school in the town, but it was heart breaking to see and hear the young people's perception of what the future involved.
Including children when planning a golden years wedding
Now more than ever, more and more people are either getting divorced or not getting married in the first place for a variety of reasons.
Boom, Boom, Boom… the Inevitable Headache of Teen Parties
At one point or another, as a parent or even relative, you're likely to stumble across the inevitable question, issue, or perhaps joy of teenage parties.
Turning 21 – Give Us Hope
The inevitable happened at the end of July. I turned into an adult. Oh gosh.
What Can Grandchildren Learn From Their Grandparents
Grandchildren learn all manner of things from their grandparents, from hobbies to sports, and an enterprising grandparent can ensure that they pass on knowledge that will help the child in the future.
My Generation – Generation SMART
The term Generation SMART is one I've coined over the past couple of years and it covers the 15 to 25 year olds of the world.