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Dealing with Family Conflict

All families experience conflict. It can appear to flare up out of nothing, be triggered by a major event, decision or change or run like a constant sore that can sit under the surface for years.

Moving Out of Home

Whether a teenager that lives with you, or one you know is moving out of their home, the feelings may all still be the same for all.

Seeking Success in Midlife

By the time a woman reaches her midlife she has shed many of the idealistic and romantic notions that her previous goals and dreams were founded on.

Life Lessons Teens Can Learn from Cooking

A much debated topic around the world has always been around how much responsibility and amount of chores teens and children need to pick up at home. Perhaps this may not necessarily apply to your household, but your kids may find this helpful for their h

Household Chores for Teens at Home

As your kids grow up, and ultimately become teenagers, provided they haven't left home, a lot of conflict may arise from misunderstandings about what the responsibilities at home are.