Sure, it may be easier to simply stock up on essential oils at your local health ...
Video: How to draw realistic trees
Chris Straver breaks down how to draw trees step by step. Don’t be daunted – his ...
How to get started in flower arranging
They say that the best way to start doing something is simply to dive right in, ...
Why is pottery so great?
Pottery is making a comeback. Not only in the recreational demographic, but the art world is ...
DIY notebooks from recycled materials
Tired of those little scraps of notepaper clogging up your countertop and table? Here’s how to ...
Minion cat costume: Video DIY tutorial
How cute! Would you consider making this costume for your pet?
Riding the highs and lows of nostalgia
We’ve all been there. You hear a song playing on the radio and it takes you ...
Video: Colour pencil coasters
Have a look at this great project – Rybak Woodworking creates a set of unique coasters ...
Video: 36 abandoned classic Corvettes
A collection of 36 classic Corvettes was found dusty and abandoned in an underground parking building! ...
Why everyone needs a creative outlet and how to find yours
The other day I caught up with an old school friend and she told me that ...