Why was the robot couple’s anniversary in the fall?
Articles covering all sorts of humour, entertainment, book reviews, sport and hobbies, fashion, beauty and technology needs.
Joke of the Day
Knock, knock! Who's there? Lena.
Joke of the Day
What do you get when you cross a dog and a tulip?
Joke of the Day
Two cows are talking in a field.
Rediscovering Yourself
Rediscovering yourself is one, if not THE, reason we are here: to find ourselves after feeling lost for a while.
Movie Giveaway | The Penguin Lessons
We are very pleased to be giving away five double passes for the new movie 'The Penguin Lessons' to our GrownUps members.
Book Giveaway | A Trip Towards the Sunset
We are very pleased to be giving away two copies of Tatiana Goded's book, 'A Trip Towards the Sunset', to our GrownUps members.
Book Giveaway | Miss adventure: healing with music
We are very pleased to be giving away three copies of Pauline Grogan's book, 'Miss adventure: healing with music', to our GrownUps members.
Book Giveaway | STOP. LOOK BOTH WAYS
We are very pleased to be giving away a copy of Murray Savidan's book, 'STOP. LOOK BOTH WAYS', to our GrownUps members.
Joke of the Day
Went to a zoo the other day