With the economy officially in recession and unemployment rising - what are the top five recession proof careers for Kiwis?
Articles covering Travel Insurance, Life Insurance, Funeral Insurance, Savings, Investment, Superannuation, Life after work. Wills, asset protection and Trusts.
Safeguarding Your Assets
The 10 largest verdicts in 2008 to individual plaintiffs totalled a record breaking $2.8 billion, including ...
Privatise Your Life Using Asset Protection Strategy
To develop an effective asset protection strategy, you need to understand what can put you at ...
New Zealanders Expecting to Work Well Into Their 60s
With an average expected retirement age of 64, high net worth individuals in New Zealand are anticipating they will have to work well into their 60s.
How Insurance Companies Make Their Money
I worked in the insurance industry for 16 years and saw firsthand how profitable an insurance ...
Financial help for your rest home and hospital care
Moving from your home into long-term rest home or hospital care is a big change. If you need long-term residential care, you may be eligible for a Residential Care Subsidy that provides financial help towards your costs.
Eugene Moreau – Pssst! I’m Over Here!
It's called positioning and it's probably one of the single most important elements in the business-winning suite of principles and practices - and one of the most misunderstood.
Ron Tustin – Baby Boomers & the Workplace
Age is something that doesn't matter, unless you are a cheese." - Billie Burke, actress. This week I am asking a few questions and would like to hear your own experiences if you would like to email me back.
How a Trust or Estate Starts
To create a trust, a person (the settlor) gives money or property to another person (the ...
Share and Share Alike?
It has become increasingly common for different generations of a family to have a financial stake in the same property.