The oily rag community is electric with their latest scientific discovery. Some say it is the most far-reaching discovery of the new millennium. No it's not the discovery of the God Particle in a tunnel in France and Switzerland that has everyone excited
Articles covering Travel Insurance, Life Insurance, Funeral Insurance, Savings, Investment, Superannuation, Life after work. Wills, asset protection and Trusts.
Simple Recipes for Easy to Grow Vegetables
When belt tightening and frugal living combine the result is a coast to coast patch work of oily rag gardens across the nation. Having your own garden is the best way to cut the food budget, and it's so easy - and the vegetables seem to taste a whole lot
Money Saving Tips From Frugal Readers
Frugal living is thriving, and the mail bags have been overflowing with creative ways to keep more dollars in your pockets and purse.
There is a lot that could be said about herbs but here is a quick guide to some easy-to-grow herbs and how to and when to use them.
Keeping Warm in Winter
The chilly weather is a timely reminder about ways to lower heating costs. Here are some of the best tips - from our oily rag website.
Janis Grummitt – Working Beyond 50
Many of us hope to continue working for many years after we reach 50. Although our brains have started to slow down and cut back, our minds have, paradoxically, developed the capacity for wisdom.
Favourite Frugal Tips
This week we have lots of tips - warts and all! It is always amazing how diverse the tips are, and what an interesting bunch the frugal community is.
Frugal Living in Challenging Times
Oily raggers are get-up-and-go types of people, with lots of interesting ways to save money. Here are some of the tips received from readers this week.
The Oily Rag Rule of Thumb and Water Heaters
This week Oily Raggers have some questions and some tips. Firstly, a question that lands some people in hot water!
The Chicken or The Egg?
Did you know, according to the Egg Producers Federation, every one of us consumes about 230 eggs a year. That's about as many as the typical back-yard chicken produces in a year.