Using an inflatable AIRCYCLE exerciser while travelling promotes circulation and helps avoid the chance of DVT, ankle swelling, cramps and stiffness.
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Travel in Comfort:
If you find that your feet swell, you suffer cramps or aches and pains when sitting for long periods, the AIRCYCLE exerciser is an aid to comfort and helps to reduce the chance of blood clots forming.
How it Works:
When the AIRCYCLE exerciser is turned sideways and "treadled" (see picture below) air is pushed from one chamber to the other. This action works the calf muscles and encourages blood flow in your feet and legs. It is the exercise most valuable when travelling – especially for older people and those on certain medications who are at greater risk during long periods of immobility.
Using the Exerciser:
Keep your AIRCYCLE exerciser at your feet throughout the trip to remind you to use it frequently. Use slow movements for short periods as often as is comfortable. This should enable you to remain in your seat for longer periods and still avoid ankle swelling.
Occasionally, use the AIRCYCLE exerciser on your lap and work your fingers, wrists and shoulders too, in the same ways as for your feet. By adjusting the inflation, you can use it for a neck or head-rest also or put it in the small of your back for extra comfort. But remember, keeping good circulation in feet and legs is the most important.
When you settle down to sleep, place the AIRCYCLE exerciser under your thighs, just above the knees, to relieve the pressure where the edge of the seat sometimes cuts off the circulation. It is thought that it is during sleep we are at greater risk of DVT occurring.
The AIRCYCLE exerciser is registered with Medsafe and guaranteed for 12 months. It packs up to carry in your pocket or purse and is easily washed and disinfected. It is recommended by health professionals.
Auckland University Professor of Gerontology says, "The Aircycle (when treadled) facilitates the reducing of ankle oedema (swelling)."
A podiatrist says, "The Aircycle exercises are similar to those currently recommended by airlines to help reduce the likelihood of swelling of the feet and legs and DVT which can occur in people who sit for long periods."
Contact Aircycle
+64 4 569 5013
PO Box 45105, Waterloo
Lower Hutt 5042, New Zealand
Buy Aircycle in the GrownUps Shop
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