Don’t let babies push you apart

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10420 baby

babyIt’s my opinion that most people find the first year of their first baby the toughest year of their life, for both parents.
All your time and energy and money and love gets poured into this little bottomless pit of need. And so, if that’s where your time, energy, money and love is going then that doesn’t leave much over for mum and dad to spend on each other.

Relationships can get really stressed but there’s a few things that might help you get through. One is the reality that this is temporary – parenting is always going to be hard work but the baby stage does pass: you get your sleep back, you get your body back, you rediscover each other as a couple and you discover more and more time that isn’t totally focussed on your child – time to relax, to be romantic, to have some fun – and that is so important. So if you are having a tough time right now, hang in there – it does get better. It must, or there’d be no second children.

The other tip is –  realise: this is something great! You haven’t just made a baby, you’ve created a family. You’re not just lovers, you’re now a mother and father. It’s a huge honour, a huge privilege – it’s hard work but, honestly, this is the biggest buzz most of us ever get to experience.

If you’re listening to this and haven’t got young babies at the moment … I bet you probably know someone who does. Don’t wait for them to ask for help – they’re probably too shy. Be a mate, and just pop around and start folding some washing or take them a meal or give them some time out. Taking a little stress off them will be a wonderful gift.
And maybe we can help too.

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