GrownUps New Zealand

King’s Birthday Weekend – the prompt we all need!

When Queen Elizabeth II died, the official explanation for her passing was ‘old age.’ And fair enough. While the late queen was mourned by millions, the reason for her declining health was nobody’s business. However, times change, and now the Commonwealth has a new monarch who, in the interests of his subjects’ well-being, has made the admirable decision to announce to the world his diagnosis of cancer. And, as we all now know, his daughter-in-law, The Princess of Wales, has followed suit.

In making the brave decision to go public with their diagnoses, these two top-royals have prompted countless others to seek out cancer checks earlier, potentially saving numerous lives. That’s why, this King’s Birthday Weekend, it behoves us all to do our own bit in the fight against cancer, and to assist those who suffer from it. Below are some suggestions to get you started – why not choose one, and make Monday, 3 June, the day to carry it out.

Join the fight!

Sign up to become a Daffodil Day volunteer collector for the New Zealand Cancer Society, and encourage those in your own community to give.

Are you a punctual, organised sort of person? A good listener? If you have a driver’s licence and your own vehicle, you may like to join the Cancer Society’s team of drivers – a volunteer workforce supporting cancer ‘clients’ through their treatment in a very practical way.

Around the country, the Cancer Society provides accommodation for those attending hospital appointments. If you enjoy baking, put up your hand to supply baked goods to those who use the accommodation.

If sewing is your forte, contact your local Cancer Society and offer your services. Whether it’s making hats, turbans or support cushions for those going through treatment, there will be a place for you to be involved.

Cancer treatment saps energy. Cook a meal for someone you know who is having treatment. Better still, take it upon yourself to organise a roster so meals come into their home regularly via others in the community who want to help.

Two’s company

Join with a friend to do some gardening for a person with cancer. The time will pass quickly and enjoyably when you garden together.

It’s easy-peasie to go grocery shopping. But not always so when you’re fighting cancer. Offer to shop and deliver groceries for another, and pop a treat (such as a little posy of garden flowers) in with the bags when you drop them off.

Make time!

Cancer can be a lonely business, especially for someone who is usually social and who can’t now get out and about. Make time to call in on them for a chat – you could even deliver a takeaway coffee! (Just be sure to suit your visit to a time that won’t disrupt their rest or recovery, and be mindful of their energy levels.)

Do you enjoy a dog walk? Cancer patients don’t always have the energy to take their dog for a daily walk, and hiring a professional to do it for them can be costly. On your next walk, pick up a cancer patient’s pooch, and take it with you!

Cancer patients can spend long hours at home, looking out the window. The view is all the nicer when the windows are clean and there’s activity in the garden. So grab the cleaning cloth to sparkle up the glass, and either use your DIY skills to erect a bird feeding station, or purchase a simple feeder that suctions onto the window.

A good movie has the power to lift your mood, but for someone undergoing treatment, the energy involved in organising a screening can be all too hard. If you don’t already have a movie streaming subscription, sign up to one (they cost just a few dollars a month), and call on your friend with your device or login details, and some tempting nibbles!

This King’s Birthday weekend, join the royals in the fight against cancer!