GrownUps New Zealand

‘I’m a Carboholic,’ Part #5

Note: the following is not intended as professional advice. If you are concerned about your diet, consult your medical professionals.

Hi, I’m Helen, and in this fifth and last instalment of ‘I’m a Carboholic’ (someone who is addicted to refined and ultra-refined carbohydrates), we’ll take a peek at how easy, delicious, (and fun) it is to move towards whole foods in your diet.

If you’ve suffered from unexplained hunger pangs all your life, and had trouble maintaining a healthy weight, you may (after consultation with your GP) choose to move towards whole foods (foods that have changed little from their original state), and even switch to them altogether. Either way, it’s easy-as. Let us walk you through it!


Whole foods can be added to your existing recipes so they’re barely noticeable. Here are 4 ways to do it:

  1. Exchange 50% of minced meat for canned brown lentils in rissoles, casseroles, meatballs, shepherd’s pie, and lasagne.
  2. Skip the grated cheese topping on potato-topped pies, and instead, sprinkle over toasted sesame seeds, finely chopped, dry-roasted nuts, or a ground almond and dried herb mix.
  3. Toast jumbo oats in a dry fry pan until gold brown. Use them to replace half your commercial breakfast cereal for a crunchy treat.
  4. Exchange 50% of white flour for buckwheat flour in scone, bread, and pancake recipes.


Replace a few staples in your diet with 100% whole food alternatives (start by doing this on just 1 or 2 days a week until you’re up to speed!):


Half the fun of whole food eating is learning completely new ways of cooking. Here’re some for you to experiment with:

Whole food eating is an exciting way of enjoying meals and snacks. For carboholics like me, who want to keep well away from processed foods, there are boundless recipes to be enjoyed!