GrownUps New Zealand

How to Use Your Mailbox to Liven up Your Day

The little receptacle – the one on the post at the end of your garden path, the one with the slot in it – it’s your mailbox (remember?). What’s more, it’s probably gathering dust (or junk mail) when it could be a big part of brightening up your day. Whether you’re facing loneliness, boredom, or simply want to add a new dimension to your day, opening a letter, a card, or a parcel is one of the simplest ways to do it. The problem is, the convenience and relative low cost of phone calls and email access has put paid to snail mail. Unless, of course, you know how to source some correspondence. Below, we have easy-peasie tips for bringing post to your door (or, at least, to your mailbox).

Get political!

Don’t like what you’re hearing on the news? Or perhaps you’re impressed by what our politicians have to say. Either way, writing to let them know how you feel won’t go ignored. And you can absolutely expect a reply! Even better, popping a letter in the post to an MP is free of charge. Just be sure to address your mail as follows, and be aware the maximum weight of your correspondence is 1 kilogram:

[Name of MP]

FreePost Parliament

Private Bag 18888

Parliament Buildings

Wellington 6160


Picking up your favourite magazine from the supermarket or stationery shop is easy to do. But how much more fun is it to head to the mailbox in your slippers, tear open the envelope, and enjoy your read over a leisurely coffee. For all the extra a postal subscription costs, we think it’s worth it (and so are you!).

Write to your favourite author!

Writing books can be a lonely experience, which is why authors love hearing from their readers. So much so, they will almost certainly reply (and if they don’t, their publisher is very likely to). So don’t hold back on contacting your favourite author, and be sure to include the sort of questions you’ve always wanted to ask them. And if you’re a budding author, yourself, why not take the opportunity to ask for some tips!

A right royal reply

Each year, the British Royal Family collectively receives approximately 100,000 letters. Which is why they have an army of staff to handle replies. Whether you want to compliment the King on his charitable works, or send a birthday card to Princess Charlotte, you can be sure a reply will wing its way into your letter box. Details on how to contact the Royal Household, and suggestions for how to begin your correspondence, can be found here. What a great excuse for purchasing some top-notch stationery and a fountain pen!

Take note

Whether you consider it endearing, or just plain unmotivated, Kiwis have a reputation for not complaining – even when a poor product warrants a polite, but direct comment. But let’s be honest, it’s not OK when the packaging on your spices is non-recyclable, your icing sugar is lumpy, or the pump on your liquid hand soap stops functioning before the bottle is empty. If a product is unsatisfactory in any way, get out the pen and paper and let the supplier know. Don’t forget to include your postal contact details (leave out your email and phone number), and all going well, you’ll receive a reply through the post. If the company is worth its salt, there could also be a voucher for a replacement!

Absolutely positive

These days, we take so much for granted, which is why it means so much to businesses (especially small or new ones) when you write to tell them how appreciative you are of a product or service. You’ll almost certainly receive a reply, and who knows, it might even contain a small thank you sample of a new product!

Make it easy

Children, especially little ones, love a letter! They also enjoy replying, but if it’s to happen, make it easy for Mum or Dad to get it done and dusted. Include a stamped, addressed envelope for the reply, and if your recipient is very young, a colourful template on which they can add a few words or draw a picture.

Actively interested

If you’re in the habit of generously making small donations to a number of charities, consider consolidating the giving, and focusing on just one or two of your favourites. This way, what you once thought of as ‘junk mail’ becomes a source of genuine interest as you follow the work of your charity. Send letters of congratulation, or suggestions regarding the work being carried out, and request more written information, via post, to help you better understand the charities various projects.

In praise of postcards

Postcards are still a thing – and you can receive them from around the world when you sign up to Postcrossing, an organisation that facilitates the sending and receiving of postcards from random strangers! Designed to keep you safe, the site brings mail, and a great deal of pleasure, to over 800,000 members in 209 different countries!

Don’t let your mail box gather cobwebs – dust it off and get writing today!