For most people, ageing goes hand in hand with a bathroom full of anti-wrinkle cremes, and a newfound appreciation for soft lighting. This is completely normal, but what so many silver haired ladies and gents don’t realise is that stacking on the years isn’t all doom and gloom. In fact, not only is ageing is an incredible honour, but it also goes hand in hand with a myriad of perks. And no, we’re not going to harp on about the fact that your wrinkles reflect decades of laughter. If you’re feeling insecure about your age, read on for a rundown of surprising benefits that accompany you could start to enjoy in your golden years.
A kick-ass immune system
If you used to get a cold like clockwork every winter, you may have noticed this is no longer the case. After half a century your immune system has well and truly mastered the art of self-defence, which means it knows how to hone in on nasty germs and attack them accordingly. Similarly, you’re better off when it comes to viruses and outbreaks. When the flu pandemic hit in 1918 it struck down 50 million people. But interestingly, the biggest death demographic was people aged between 20 and 40.
Beat allergies for good
From cats and dogs to springtime pollen, allergies can be an absolute nightmare. But the good news is that if you’re in your 50s, 60s or older, allergy symptoms are far less common. Experts explain that this is because the immune system is less active in older bodies, which means IgE responses to allergens are less severe.
Think smarter
You may be worried about the onset of memory loss and Alzheimer’s, but the latest research suggests that the brain gets better at creative problem solving with age. While older adults may not perform as well as their younger counterparts when it comes to staying focussed and avoiding distraction, they are significantly better at creativity and problem-solving tasks.
Better sex
Your 50 Shades of Grey days may be numbered, but according to a recent survey 70% of women enjoy better sex in their 60s than in their 40s. Even better, sexologists report that women in their 80s are still well and truly capable of hitting an orgasm. If this excerpt doesn’t get you inspired, nothing will!
“Every week we put a date and a time on our calendar to make love,” Shirley began. “On that day, I put on a gorgeous, sexy nightgown and that makes it even more exciting. I am having some of the hottest sex now, better than I had in my 20s or 30s or 40s. One of my secrets is that we are so comfortable with each other that we will try anything to keep things hot.”
Outgrowing migraines
Migraines and headaches can be debilitating and are a lifetime vice for some people. But thanks to new research from Swedish researchers, it’s been confirmed that migraines become less frequent and less painful with age.
Sweat less
From embarrassing sweat marks to that dreaded sour smell, perspiration is generally not welcome. Once you’ve overcome the menopausal sweats, the good news is that perspiration glands tend to shrink with age.
Have you experienced a silver lining you’d like to share? We’d love to hear about your experiences so why not share in the comment section below?