GrownUps New Zealand

Changing our questions this summer

 “Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.”  ― Voltaire“

One idea that has had a profound effect on me has been the work by Marilee Adams about how we change our questions so that we get different results. She presents this very simply in” The Choice Map” . When we are confronted by problems we often ask questions such as:

Adams refers to these as ‘Judger’ questions and what an appropriate term that is.

She argues that in order to get better results we need to look at another way of thinking and ask questions such as:

Adams calls this the “learner” path.

We are now approaching the time of our summer holidays, our “silly season’. This time can be both wonderful and challenging – a recipe with ingredients of joy mixed with stress.  With our families—and old friends. Do you notice that no matter how much progress we’ve made in our lives, old patterns tend to mysteriously resurface during the holidays? This happens even with our best intentions to behave differently!

By looking at the way of thinking above, we may be able to change some of our experiences of this holiday time so they are better times and full of good spirit?  We prepare travel arrangements. We prepare food.  We prepare gifts.  Why not prepare to have a learner mindset holiday?

Here are some tips that can make a real difference and some questions to ask ourselves:

Since you know yourself and the people in your life better than anyone, what questions can you add here that could make the most difference for you personally? I suggest “brainstorming” some questions to ask yourself to prepare for a “Learner holiday?” Make a list as you can.


Ron Tustin

Revive and Thrive Coaching, Professional Coach.



Read more by Ron on GrownUps here.

Motivating baby boomers to see the world with fresh eyes.