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Sleeping in separate beds could help your marriage  

Sleep is one of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle. Without it, your body simply can’t function. You feel emotionally drained, your mood plummets, the immune system doesn’t perform at its best and your body simply doesn’t get the rest it needs to heal and repair itself.

So, if you have a partner that’s not sleep compatible you could run into big issues. From snoring and sleepwalking to tossing and turning, the side effects of sleep deprivation can quickly take a toll on your life and your marriage.

This is why so many married or co-habitating couples embrace the concept of sleeping in separate beds. While to the outside world it may spell marital defeat, the reality is that separate beds have become an effective solution for the perpetually sleep-deprived. From parents to retirees, here’s why separate sleeping quarters could revolutionise your mind, your body and your love life.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when flirting with the idea:

Get a good night’s sleep

The statistics speak for themselves, with British sleep specialist and separate-bed advocate Dr Neil Stanley confirming that couples suffer up to 50 percent more disturbances when sleeping next to someone than when sleeping solo.

It’s not as uncommon as you might think

According to the National Sleep Foundation, one in four couples already sleep in different beds. It seems high and you probably don’t know anyone that would admit to it. But think about all those couples you know who have a spare bedroom. Or kids that moved out long ago and no longer use their old rooms. You never know what goes on behind closed doors, and we’d bet that a handful of these couples regularly sleep in separate rooms.

Learn to love LAT

Sleeping in separate beds is a prime example of LAT, an acronym that’s been gaining momentum in the lifestyle sphere. It stands for “Living Apart Together” and describes the art of maintaining separate homes while simultaneously nurturing and honouring a commitment to each other. Remember, the backbone of LAT is trust and communication so don’t neglect the need to nurture your marriage in other areas.

Throwback to the good old days

Historically, sleeping in separate quarters was actually a sign of affluence. This empowered kings, queens and other nobles with the luxury of choice.

Mix and match

Just because you have two separate beds it doesn’t mean you have to sleep in them. If you’re new to the concept of LAT try sleeping in your own bed once a week. You can then compare how you feel the next day, and perhaps choose to sleep solo on night’s when you’ve had a particularly exhausting day or know you need to be on the ball the next morning.

Transitioning to a new life

New research reveals that it’s becoming increasingly common for older adults transitioning from a divorce or death of a spouse to embrace the concept of LAT. While new romances may be on the horizon there’s still a strong desire to maintain independence, keep the family home, stay financially autonomous and enjoy personal space.

Yes, there is a stigma that goes with sleeping in separate beds. But as the concept of LAT gains understanding and acceptance this could start to change. There are so many amazing success stories out there so why not discuss it with your spouse or have a casual conversation with friends about whether they’ve experimented with the idea? Who knows, there’s every chance you could love it.

Are you a LAT lover? We’d love to hear about your experiences and stories so go ahead and share in the comments box below.