GrownUps New Zealand

Maintaining a healthy heart

7 Health

The simple facts about heart disease is that it is one of the major causes of death in mature New Zealanders. There are also many simple ways in which we can all reduce our propensity to suffer from an unhealthy heart. Research in America shows half of all heart attacks and strokes occur in people with normal or even low cholesterol levels. One in four of these events strike people who don’t smoke or have high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol. People with high inflammation levels but low cholesterol have a worse survival rate than people with high cholesterol and low inflammation.

That said, it seems every day, the newspapers are full of reports on a new study where a scientist has revealed that something previously very healthy, was now a major source of disease and vice versa. It’s sometimes hard not to be cynical of continual changes in science and reverse decisions by medical practitioners. The question is: which way will you hedge your bet? You can either layer the butter on your toast in slabs as thick as your thumb, and pour double cream on your bread pudding; or you can swap the butter for a low-cholesterol spread and try fruit for dessert. Whatever you choose, do so wisely – and take a look at the statistics below:

The Statistics in New Zealand


Risk factors you can’t change Age: 85% of all coronary heart disease deaths occur in those aged 65 years and over 2

Gender: death rates are higher for men than women
Ethnicity: some ethnic groups are at greater risk than others
Personal or family history of coronary heart disease

Risk factors you can change

Food choices Making food choices in the interest of health can be challenging. The Food and Nutrition Guidelines4 have been developed to promote a wide variety of foods low in fat, particularly meat and dairy fats, and salt. While these guidelines cannot guarantee health, they provide a base for us to menu plan.

1. Eat a variety of foods from each of the four major food groups every day:
– Vegetables and fruits
– Bread and cereal foods
– Milk and milk products, especially the low-fat varieties
– Lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts or pulses.

2. Prepare meals with minimal added fat (especially saturated fat) and salt.

3. Choose pre-prepared foods, drinks and snacks that are low in fat (especially saturated fat), salt and sugar.

4. Maintain a healthy body weight by regular physical activity and by healthy eating.

5. Drink plenty of liquids each day.

6. If drinking alcohol, do so in moderation.

Article submitted by Emma Sutcliffe.

1 From New Zealand Heart Foundation

2Sixteen New Zealanders die each day, or one person every 90 minutes, as a result of CHD

3New Zealand Guidelines Group, The Assessment and Management of Cardiovascular Risk. Evidence-based Best Practice Guideline, December 2003.

4New Zealand Heart Foundation