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Eating to reduce menopause symptoms

Let’s not beat about the bush. Going through menopause can be a stressful and potentially traumatic period in life, when hormone levels drop, and menstruation stops. With all sorts of potential side effects, including hot flushes, sleep difficulties, reduced energy and emotional disturbances, it’s nice to know that something as simple as eating can help us reduce our menopause symptoms.

Six Food Types Which May Reduce Menopause Symptoms

  1. Calcium – eating a variety of foods that are high in calcium such as milk and non-fat yogurt or can help with bone density loss when your body starts to lose oestrogen. While calcium won’t decrease symptoms such as hot flushes or fatigue, it will help slow down calcium loss from your bones, which can lead to osteoporosis.
  2. Vitamin D – keep your vitamin D levels up by taking a supplement or spending time outdoors. Taking vitamin D can assist with improving your mood, increasing your energy levels and helping you sleep better.
  3. Whole Grains – steel cut oatmeal, quinoa, barley, and brown rice are high in B vitamins, which help manage your stress, and keep your digestive system working at an optimal level. Folic acid and fibre, which are also a component of whole grains, help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease too.
  4. Iron – eat lean cuts of beef, eggs, iron rich cereals and grains. Avoid taking iron supplements as it’s not advised for women after menopause, unless prescribed by a doctor. Keeping your iron at recommended levels helps you feel energetic and healthy.
  5. Soy – soy is said to help relieve hot flushes. Ensure it is a good quality soy for optimal effects, so avoid processed soy products
  6. Flaxseed – this can easily be added to your daily diet in yogurt, cereal or salads. Flaxseed helps to add fibre to your diet, plus has special omega 3 fatty acids which keep your arteries healthy.

While menopause is not something we can avoid, it is something we can manage. With the controversy which occurred from women taking hormone replacements, if we can reduce menopausal symptoms effectively by adapting our diets, then that’s got to be a win!