GrownUps New Zealand

Could pets keep you young?

I’m enamoured of my new baby, Roger.

Roger is a Bichon Frise and he’s the new king of the castle in my home. Since the break up of my marriage around 2 years ago I’ve been, well, a little bit lost as my friends have put it. I’ve only just recently started dating again, which is all well and good (and absolutely bizarre to me, to pick it up at this age, but I’m having fun!) but it’s still been a little lonely around the house after being so used to having someone else there all the time.

So, that’s where Roger came in. I’ve never considered myself a dog person, but I’ve gone a bit googly for old Rog. I’d like to blame it on my children not popping out any grandkids for me just yet (and I’m not even holding out hope at the moment), while all my friends get to hang out with babies. Anyway, my grandmother cluckiness has transferred to little Roger. He’s my baby.

What I’ve noticed since having Roger around is that my mood is more elevated more of the time when I am home. He really makes a noticeable difference. And I got to thinking, could pets keep you young?

Little Roger does give me purpose – something to take responsibility of. Who would take care of him if I had an accident, for example? Doctors have often said, that when patients are sick or injured in later life, if they have something to fight for then they are more likely to pull through.

And then there’s the fact that we’re always out and about together. Even though he’s just small, he does need to go for a daily walk, which means that I need to go for a daily walk, too. Whereas before I would probably go for a nice walk 2 or 3 times a week, now we go every day together. There’s not a soul alive that will tell you that doing more regular exercise won’t keep you younger.

I’ve even joined a little doggy group, where we get together in the park and all the dogs have a play together – which has got me socialising more, and with people of all ages. I now have coffee with a couple of the women that I met in the group every other week.

I’m not sure who does more for the other – Roger or me? All I know is that I’m very happy to have him in my life, and I think he is keeping me younger. Plus my online date from the weekend said I looked at least 7 years younger than I am, so maybe that’s all down to Rog…