GrownUps New Zealand

Special Skills

As you move through your career, you develop particular skills which benefit the company and the industry.

Employers have four categories for their workers, the Millennials, Generation X, Baby Boomers (aged 52-70) and the Silents (aged 71-88).

While the Millennials and Gen X-ers often hog the headlines, with their technical wizardry and drive, the Baby Boomers and Silents make up just over a third of the total workforce, and offer unique skills.

They are:

They are particularly valuable to businesses with a strong ‘face to face’ focus, as they communicate well with customers and have a high level of social intelligence. They are also excellent mentors and role models within a business, who have a crucial role in passing on experience and training others.

Generation X-ers are currently aged 36-51 and offer:

Millennials, aged 19-35, are:

Successful businesses and employers find spaces for all age groups, as they all offer valid viewpoints and experience. With the right leadership, all generations are able to work together and learn from one another effectively. Whether you are advising younger people about their career, or still working on your own, don’t be afraid to showcase your skills and play to your strengths!